LeverEdge: On-chain leveraged tokens
Reza Rahimian, Jeremy Clark
Fintech 2025A Shortfall in Investor Expectations of Leveraged Tokens
Reza Rahimian, Jeremy Clark
ACM Advances in Finanical Technology 2024Fast and Furious Withdrawals from Optimistic Rollups
Masha Moosavi, Mehdi Salehi, Daniel Goldman, Jeremy Clark
ACM Advances in Finanical Technology 2023Mapping the Privacy Landscape for Central Bank Digital Currencies
Raphael Auer, Rainer Böhme, Jeremy Clark, Didem Demirag
Communications of the ACM (via ACM Queue)Short-lived zero-knowledge proofs and signatures
Arasu Arun, Joseph Bonneau, Jeremy Clark
ASIACRYPT 2022Privacy-Preserving Link Prediction
Didem Demirag, Mina Namazi, Erman Ayday, Jeremy Clark
DPM 2022 (@ ESORICS 2022)VoteXX: A Solution to Improper Influence in Voter-Verifiable Elections
David Chaum, Richard Carback, Jeremy Clark, Chao Liu, Mahdi Nejadgholi, Bart Preneel, Alan Sherman, Mario Yaksetig, Filip Zagorski, Bingsheng Zhang
E-Vote-ID 2022Not so immutable: Upgradeability of Smart Contracts on Ethereum
Mehdi Salehi, Jeremy Clark, Mohammad Mannan
WTSC 2022 (@ Financial Cryptography 2022)Lissy: Experimenting with on-chain order books
Mahsa Moosavi, Jeremy Clark
WTSC 2022 (@ Financial Cryptography 2022) (+ DeFi 2021)Opening sentences in academic writing: How security researchers defeat the blinking cursor
Didem Demirag, Jeremy Clark
ACM SIGCSE 2022Oracles from the Ground Truth to Market Manipulation
Shayan Eskandari, Mehdi Salehi, Wanyun Catherine Gu, Jeremy Clark
ACM Advances in Finanical Technology 2021Securing Email: a stakeholder-based analysis
Jeremy Clark, P.C. van Oorschot, Scott Ruoti, Kent Seamons, Daniel Zappala
Financial Cryptography 2021Absentia: secure function evaluation on Ethereum
Didem Demirag, Jeremy Clark
WTSC 2021 (@ Financial Cryptography 2021)Red-Black Coins: Dai without liquidations
Mehdi Salehi, Jeremy Clark, Mohammad Mannan
DeFi 2021 (@ Financial Cryptography 2021)Ballot secrecy for liquid democracy
Mahdi Nejadgholi, Nan Yang and Jeremy Clark
VOTING 2021 (@ Financial Cryptography 2021)Systemizing the Challenges of Auditing Blockchain-Based Assets
Erica Pimentel, Emilio Boulianne, Shayan Eskandari, Jeremy Clark
Journal of Information SystemsDemystifying Stablecoins
Jeremy Clark, Didem Demirag, Seyedehmahsa Moosavi
Communications of the ACM (via ACM Queue)Blockchain Technology: What is it good for?
Scott Ruoti, Ben Kaiser, Arkady Yerukhimovich, Jeremy Clark, Robert Cunningham
Communications of the ACM (via ACM Queue)Resolving the Multiple Withdrawal Attack in ERC20 Tokens
Mohammadreza Rahimian, Shayan Eskandari and Jeremy Clark
IEEE S&B 2019 (@ IEEE EuroS&P 2019)Towards Automatically Penalizing Multimedia Breaches
Easwar Mangipudi, Krutarth Rao, Jeremy Clark and Aniket Kate
IEEE S&B 2019 (@ IEEE EuroS&P 2019)SecDM: privacy-preserving data outsourcing framework with differential privacy
Gaby Dagher, Benjamin Fung, Noman Mohammed, Jeremy Clark
Knowledge and Information SystemsTransparent Dishonesty: front-running attacks on Blockchain
Shayan Eskandari, Seyedehmahsa Moosavi and Jeremy Clark
WTSC 2019 (+ Stanford Blockchain Conference)Deploying PayWord on Ethereum
Muhammad Elsheikh, Amr M. Youssef and Jeremy Clark
WTSC 2019 (@ Financial Cryptography 2019)One-Time Programs Made Practical
Lianying Zhao, Joseph I. Choi, Didem Demirag, Kevin R. B. Butler, Mohammad Mannan, Erman Ayday, and Jeremy Clark
Financial Cryptography 2019A first look at browser-based cryptojacking
Shayan Eskandari, Andreas Leoutsarakos, Troy Mursch, Jeremy Clark
IEEE S&B 2018 (@ IEEE EuroS&P 2018)Ghazal: toward truly authoritative web certificates using Ethereum
Seyedehmahsa Moosavi, Jeremy Clark
WTSC 2018 (@ Financial Cryptography 2018)Toward cryptocurrency lending
Mildred Chidinma Okoye, Jeremy Clark
WTSC 2018 (@ Financial Cryptography 2018)Bitcoin's academic pedigree
Arvind Narayanan, Jeremy Clark
Communications of the ACM (via ACM Queue)Practical governmental voting with unconditional integrity and privacy
Nan Yang, Jeremy Clark
VOTING 2017 (@ Financial Cryptography 2017)On the feasibility of decentralized derivatives markets
Shayan Eskandari, Jeremy Clark, Moe Adham and Vignesh Sundaresan
WTSC 2017 (@ Financial Cryptography 2017)The long road to Bitcoin
Jeremy Clark
Foreword to Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency TechnologiesThe Scantegrity Voting System and Its Use in the Takoma Park Elections
Richard T. Carback, David Chaum, Jeremy Clark, Aleksander Essex, Travis Mayberry, Stefan Popoveniuc, Ronald L. Rivest, Emily Shen, Alan T. Sherman, Poorvi L. Vora, John Wittrock, Filip Zagorski
Real-World Electronic Voting: Design, Analysis and DeploymentBuy Your Coffee with Bitcoin: Real-World Deployment of a Bitcoin Point of Sale Terminal
Shayan Eskandari, Jeremy Clark, Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj
IEEE ATC 2016Blockchains and voting: somewhere between hype and a panacea
Yomna Nasser, Chidinma Okoye, Jeremy Clark, Peter YA Ryan
Unpublished 2016Provisions: Privacy-preserving proofs of solvency for Bitcoin exchanges
Gaby G. Dagher, Benedikt Bünz, Joseph Bonneau, Jeremy Clark, and Dan Boneh
CCS 2015 (+ Real World Crypto)Diffusion of Voter Responsibility: Potential Failings in E2E Receipt Checking
Ester Moher, Jeremy Clark, and Aleksander Essex
JETS 2015 (@ USENIX Security 2015)Research Perspectives and Challenges for Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies
Joseph Bonneau, Andrew Miller, Jeremy Clark, Arvind Narayanan, Joshua Kroll, and Edward W. Felten
IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy 2015A First Look at the Usability of Bitcoin Key Management
Shayan Eskandari, David Barrera, Elizabeth Stobert, and Jeremy Clark
USEC 2015 (@ NDSS 2015)On Bitcoin as a public randomness source
Joseph Bonneau, Jeremy Clark, Steven Goldfeder
Unpublished 2015Baton: Certificate Agility for Android's Decentralized Signing Infrastructure
David Barrera, Daniel McCarney, Jeremy Clark, and Paul C. van Oorschot
WiSec 2014On Decentralizing Prediction Markets and Order Books
Jeremy Clark, Joseph Bonneau, Edward W. Felten, Joshua A. Kroll, Andrew Miller, and Arvind Narayanan
WEIS 2014BackRef: Accountability in Anonymous Communication Networks
Michael Backes, Jeremy Clark, Peter Druschel, Aniket Kate, and Milivoj Simeonovski
ACNS 2014Enhancing Anonymity: Cryptographic and Statistical Approaches for Shredding Our Digital Dossiers
Jeremy Clark
ACM Computing Reviews, 2014Mixcoin: Anonymity for Bitcoin with Accountable Mixes
Joseph Bonneau, Arvind Narayanan, Andrew Miller, Jeremy Clark, Joshua A. Kroll, and Edward W. Felten
Financial Cryptography 2014Eroding Trust and the CA Debacle
Jeremy Clark
HotSec 2013 (@ USENIX Security 2013) [Speaker]Remotegrity: Design and Use of an End-to-End Verifiable Remote Voting System
Filip Zagorski, Richard Carback, David Chaum, Jeremy Clark, Aleksander Essex, and Poorvi Vora
ACNS 2013SSL and HTTPS: Revisiting Past Challenges and Evaluating Certificate Trust Model Enhancements
Jeremy Clark and Paul C. van Oorschot
IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy 2013Tapas: Design, Implementation, and Usability Evaluation of a Password Manager
Daniel McCarney, David Barrera, Jeremy Clark, Sonia Chiasson, and Paul C. van Oorschot
ACSAC 2012Understanding and Improving App Installation Security Mechanisms through Empirical Analysis of Android
David Barrera, Jeremy Clark, Daniel McCarney, and Paul C. van Oorschot
SPSM 2012 (@ CCS 2012)Cobra: Toward Concurrent Ballot Authorization for Internet Voting
Aleksander Essex, Jeremy Clark, and Urs Hengartner
EVT/WOTE 2012 (@ USENIX Security 2012)CommitCoin: Carbon Dating Commitments with Bitcoin
Jeremy Clark and Aleksander Essex
Financial Cryptography 2012Selections: Internet Voting with Over-the-Shoulder Coercion-Resistance
Jeremy Clark and Urs Hengartner
Financial Cryptography 2011Scantegrity II Municipal Election at Takoma Park: The First E2E Binding Governmental Election with Ballot Privacy
Richard Carback, David Chaum, Jeremy Clark, John Conway, Aleksander Essex, Paul S. Herrnson, Travis Mayberry, Stefan Popoveniuc, Ronald L. Rivest, Emily Shen, Alan T. Sherman, and Poorvi L. Vora
USENIX Security 2010Eperio: Mitigating Technical Complexity in Cryptographic Election Verification
Aleks Essex, Jeremy Clark, Urs Hengartner, and Carlisle Adams
EVT/WOTE 2010 (@ USENIX Security 2010)On the Use of Financial Data as a Random Beacon
Jeremy Clark and Urs Hengartner
EVT/WOTE 2010 (@ USENIX Security 2010)Scantegrity Mock Election at Takoma Park
Alan T. Sherman, Richard Carback, David Chaum, Jeremy Clark, Aleksander Essex, Paul S. Herrnson, Travis Mayberry, Stefan Popoveniuc, Ronald L. Rivest, Emily Shen, Bimal Sinha and Poorvi L. Vora
EVOTE 2010Scantegrity II: End-to-End Verifiability by Voters of Optical Scan Elections Through Confirmation Codes
David Chaum, Richard Carback, Jeremy Clark, Aleksander Essex, Stefan Popoveniuc, Ronald L. Rivest, Peter Y. A. Ryan, Emily Shen, Alan T. Sherman, and Poorvi L. Vora
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 4(4), 2009Not-So Hidden Information: Optimal Contracts for Undue Influence in E2E Voting Systems
Jeremy Clark, Urs Hengartner, and Kate Larson
Vote-ID 2009Exit Node Repudiation for Anonymity Networks
Jeremy Clark, Philippe Gauvin, and Carlisle Adams
Lessons from the Identity Trail: Anonymity, Privacy and Identity in a Networked Society, 2009.How to Print a Secret
Aleks Essex, Jeremy Clark, Urs Hengartner, and Carlisle Adams
HotSec 2009 (@ USENIX Security 2009)Scantegrity: End-to-End Voter Verifiable Optical-Scan Voting
David Chaum, Aleks Essex, Richard T. Carback III, Jeremy Clark, Stefan Popoveniuc, Alan T. Sherman, and Poorvi Vora
IEEE Security & Privacy, 6(3), 2008Panic Passwords: Authenticating under Duress
Jeremy Clark and Urs Hengartner
HotSec 2008 (@ USENIX Security 2008)Scantegrity II: End-to-End Verifiability for Optical Scan Election Systems using Invisible Ink Confirmation Codes
David Chaum, Richard Carback, Jeremy Clark, Aleksander Essex, Stefan Popoveniuc, Ronald L. Rivest, Peter Y. A. Ryan, Emily Shen, and Alan T. Sherman
EVT 2008 (@ USENIX Security 2008)Aperio: High Integrity Elections for Developing Countries
Aleks Essex, Jeremy Clark, and Carlisle Adams
WOTE 2008 (@ PETS 2008; +Towards Trustworthy Elections)Securing Optical-Scan Voting
Stefan Popoveniuc, Jeremy Clark, Aleks Essex, Richard T. Carback III, and David Chaum
Frontiers of Electronic Voting 2007 (+Towards Trustworthy Elections)Usability of Anonymous Web Browsing: An Examination of Tor Interfaces and Deployability
Jeremy Clark, Paul C. van Oorschot, and Carlisle Adams
SOUPS 2007Punchscan in Practice: an E2E Election Case Study
Aleks Essex, Jeremy Clark, Richard T. Carback III, and Stefan Popoveniuc
WOTE 2007 (@ PETS 2007)On the Security of Ballot Receipts in E2E Voting Systems
Jeremy Clark, Aleks Essex, and Carlisle Adams
WOTE 2007 (@ PETS 2007)
Democracy Enhancing Technologies: Toward deployable and incoercible E2E elections
University of Waterloo, 2011. Awarded Gold Medal.
Scantegrity Mock Election at Takoma Park
Alan T. Sherman, Richard Carback, David Chaum, Jeremy Clark, Aleksander Essex, Paul S. Herrnson, Travis Mayberry, Stefan Popoveniuc, Ronald L. Rivest, Emily Shen, Bimal Sinha and Poorvi L. Vora
NIST End-to-End Voting Systems Workshop (2 Pages), 2009On the Independent Verification of a Punchscan Election
Richard T. Carback III, Jeremy Clark, Aleks Essex, and Stefan Popoveniuc
Proceedings of VoComp 2007The Punchscan Voting System
Aleks Essex, Jeremy Clark, Richard T. Carback III, Stefan Popoveniuc
Submission to VoComp 2007On Controlling IP Address Dissemination using Digital Credentials within Mix Networks
Jeremy Clark, Philippe Gauvin, and Carlisle Adams
On the Identity Trail Internal Workshop on Anonymity 2007Secure and Observable Auditing of Electronic Voting Systems using Stock Indices
Jeremy Clark, Aleks Essex, and Carlisle Adams